Finally!!!! I have finished my summer course!!! YAYYY!!! But the journey to the finish line is not so easy. Just in this week alone, I have suffered from headache, sore throat, and running nose. Not sure why, but why all of these things have to come all-together in such crucial week??!!! The process is definitely hard, but hey... isn't it all over now? ^____^
On Wednesday morning, just when I just got up, I felt my neck was hurting. This is the starting of everything. Later that day, it changed from sore throat to running nose. All day that day, including during the lecture, I was blowing my nose countless times. zzzzzz... Even my professor told me before leaving the class: "You should take some allergic medicine." After I got back home that day, I directly took NyQuil and got some rest before continue working on the final assignment. Getting up later in the evening, indeed I got a little better, no more running nose or at least not as bad as it used to be. But the effect of the medicine has not worn off. I still felt a little bit dizzy and finding it hard to concentrate. =( That evening, I could say not much things was get done. Even though there was only 1 more question to be completed, I only managed to answer half of it, and there was still presentation needed to be prepared for the following day.
The next day, I had to get up early and went to the library. On that day, I was feeling a lot better. Only a little sore throat, but no more running nose. =) I was busy all day finishing up the assignment and preparing the presentation for my answers. Even after I have finished my slides for the presentation, I hadn't completely answered the question in the paper. Luckily the paper itself was due on Friday so I still had some time after the presentation to finish it up. During the presentation, I just tried to say whatever I could think of at that time. My presentation ended up not so bad even though it still can be improved here and there. Getting home later that day, I started to have a little head ache, so I just decided to took some Tylenol. My initial plan was to finished the paper and went to bar to relieve some stress. Again, plan was just a plan. I couldn't get all the paper done and had to go to bed early because I was dead tired.
Just this morning, I woke up fairly early, about 7, knowing I had to finish the paper before 12 for the submission. When I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth, my throat and head was hurting really - really bad. Regardless of all of these, I knew that there was not much time for me to finish up the assignment. I forced myself to keep typing, and after about one hour, I finished all of them and submitted the very last thing for my summer course. At that time, my head was hurting so much that I thought it was going to explode anytime. I went to sleep again after that. At about 1 pm, I wake up and my head was still hurting. =((( My plan for that day was actually to finish up some of the work for my job, but I thought it was not possible anymore. I had to go to the university's clinic and got some medicine. This was my first time going there to be check, and it cost me $45!!!! OMG!!! Getting sick here is never CHEAP!!! =="

Some of the medicine I got required to be taken after a meal. Since my brother had to go back to work, we had to ask our cousin to cook me some porridge. I am so lucky to have someone else to help me out when I need the most. Thanks to you cousin!! =DDD After taking the medicine and some rest, I was feeling a lot better now. I think this is because of the pain killer that hold back all the pain. LOL... Hopefully I will get a lot better tomorrow. =)))
Oh forget one more thing. Other than the three songs that I posted last time, I also played one other songs while working on my final assignment. The song is: "
Chocolate High" by
India Arie ft. Musiq Soulchild. This song is a really soothing song and very easy to listen. Here is the video, hope you like it too. =)
Chocolate High - India Arie ft. Musiq Soulchild