Again, this week I have to face the
final assignment of the course. In this assignment, indeed there are only
3 questions that we need to answer, BUT the answers are not easy to find (AS EXPECTED!!!). *whew* So far, I am still trying my best to answer each of the question, and the hardest of all is to find the time to work on it and concentrate!! hahaha... I guess this picture I found on the Web should explain my condition really well. HAHAHAHA...

Meanwhile, most of the time when I was doing the assignment, I always listened to songs from
Daughtry. I really think he has a very distinctive voice, probably like Aerosmith. Anyways, the following videos are his songs that I played over and over and over again. Hope you find it enjoyable as I do. =DDD
Daughtry - Over YouDaughtry - Life After YouDaughtry - Home
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