Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Revival of My Blog?

It really has been quite a long time since I posted anything in this blog. Actually, not until recently I just have the free time to revisit my blog and show it to someone. If no one ever mention anything about blog, I probably won't even open it again and have this post in the first place. Haha..

Just a couple of days ago, someone actually asked me: "Why don't you post anything in your blog again?" Probably the answers to that question are some of the classic answers such as: too busy, no time, don't know what to write, or even because no one even bother to look at what I post in this blog. In regard to the very last reason, it makes me re-think: what is the main purpose of creating this blog and posting different kind of stuff in here anyway? Is it just because I want to express my feelings, thoughts, etc, or just for people to look at and attract attention? Do you ever think about the answer to this simple question before? This question may seem really - really basic and simple but to truthfully answer this question might not be easy.

I still remember the first time I created this blog is because of one of my friend, whom I met during the unforgotten trip to Taiwan in Summer 2008. She really has a very interesting blog. The style of writings for her post is very - very informal, yet very attractive. Sometimes when I found myself very sad, down, or even bored, I will just go to her blog and read through her posts. They can make me laugh even though I have re-read them for multiple times. Can this be the initial objective why I create this blog in the first place? To cheer people when they are down. Probably through her blog, I was inspired to do the same thing as what she does. Helping people through simple expression of words just seems very noble to me.

I might not be able to do the same thing as she does simply because of the different personality that each one of us has. But starting off with the idea "How to help people though writings" might not be a bad idea at all. The objective of adding the posts in the blog might not be the same every time, but hey.. at least they should have a common goal right? Hehe..

Ahhh... I forget one other thing. One of my friend also told me that I should treat the blog as one of my responsibility. Meaning: not to abandon it anymore. Haha.. This will definitely require commitment, and will I be able to do that? Only time will tell the answer to this question. Hopefully I will be able to post new stuffs in this blog.

P.S. One of my craziest and funniest friends that I mention previously is: Amanda Levina Widjaja. You will be able to find her blog at: (Manda!!!! You should post new stuff too!!) LOL.... =P